Sugar Rush
I decided today that I will blog in English for a while. I mean why not, english is a universal language. Like it or not, I will do it for a while.
Had a stressfull day as usual during weekdays despite that I only have one class. But I don't waste my time, I need to study. When you're just gone for a night you miss out on a whole lot. I started to think about the future too...and I look on internships. My major is broadcast but since CC removed that class from campus I haven't gpt any real practice which sucks. I want it. Or I could work with publication like press releases and such...
This morning I didn't have time to eat because my bed was way too comfortable to leave in time. Instead I ate a sports bar and drank a rockstar. Not the best combo when you haven't ate anything. So here I am in the DAC lab to do some editing on a sugar rush. Not the most pleasant feeling. I'd rather have a rush of something else. No more rockstars for me, it has to be Monsters.
Tonight I will try to do some more reading in my Cinematography book. It's jus that it's so much info about stuff and stuff and stuff. I wanna say "cut" and take out a bunch of text in the book.
The weekend is coming up shortly. Again. Gah, time is just flying by. Off for 4 days which is nice. Gonna enjoy myself and hit the clubs downtown this weekend and have a looooong nice sleep in on friday. Miss that.

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