Thoughts from my bed
Wed night and I'm in bed. It's 2.40am. Yes. Sweet life of a student. I can't wait for it to become friday afternoon and I'm done with production. We're going to Mark's bday party in his beautiful home in Bev Hills. Need it.
I have encountered some interesting people during my time so far in the U.S. Both for the good and for the bad. But life is a endless lesson. You learn something new everyday, and it's a hate-love feeling I have for it.
This spring is going to be amazing music wise. My all time favorites Radiohead is coming out with a new album finally! Have listened to some tracks, and it's promising. Their music always make me emotional. The Strokes...what can I say, I remeber bouncing around to "Someday" when I was younger, and since then I'm stuck. Too bad I'm ot going to Coachella this year to see them.
Electro stage...well, looks like I'm going to EDC this summer again!! Had a blast last year.
I feel that I'm gonna talk about my private life a little. I'm a hopeless romantic...I think most of my friends can agree on that. I'm a romantic that loves to party and have fun. The guy I would fall for would be similar. Love to cook, party, sports/work out and enjoy chill movie nights. Someone that respects me. See little sister, this isn't easy, just like I told you. I want a serious relationship, but I don't hunt it. It has to come by itselves. Period.
So now after written something that looks like a love match add, I will sleep my beauty sleep and dream away. Who should I dream about...?
Oh music how I love you. You make my life complete.