I've recently begun thinking about writing a book with memoars. There are many things in life I want to share with people for them to recognize themselves in, but also to get an insight in what I have experienced so far in life. And to be quite honest, I have experienced a lot for only being in my mid twenties.

I had a long and very intellectual discussion with my friend Michaela about love, life and future. Things and prospectives change when you get older. That's a fact. We see things in a different way today than 5 years ago. I believe when you now meet someone you like, I believe you'd like to be able to have a future perspective with that person. Not a 5 years perspective, but at least a 1 year perspective. Now it's more about sharing things in life, have common interests, be able to have conversations about relevant events, have fun, and most of all, be loved.
I am a girl that can be very naive and I always think the best about people I don't even know. I can judge very fast to the better. It hits me back. Although, I still try to be open and friendly to most new people I meet because I don't see a reason why not. However I know that I need to change that a little, cause there are people that take advantage of that. Believe me.
But in the end I am who I am and what I am. Nothing can change that.
