Happy Valentines Day

Another weekend came to an end. Thursday and Friday went I downtown for the first time for some time. Though, I kept it low because I seriously have a huge amount of studying to do like everyone else at this time. Though I have to say it was really nice to go downtown to say hi to all the people and socialize. I am a party girl, but I try to keep it down a little during school now. Need to be focused this last semester.

Went to SLO on Saturday with Michaela. Met a bunch of new people and they were all very cool. It was nice to breath some fresh air. Even though I love SB, it's nice to get out of town once in a while. Although it was with a melancholy feeling I was there. I left out from a shit load of HW and other things. Perhaps I should have prioritized differently. But I had a fun time up there, we got well taken care of and I'm glad that I went. It was an eye opener too. I know what I need to be focused on at this time of my life.

Someone told me I'm a sweetheart today. And yes, I guess I am. But sometimes I know it can hit me back. Anytime basically. I believe the best about everybody before I know them, and often they proof me wrong. But why should I be suspicious and not believe that before I know them? I am a happy girl that is very emotional too. I have times when I feel sad and starts thinking about the past. I can cry. But after I feel much better. I think it's important that you can express feelings, and to shred some tears is not wrong. It's a reliefer sometimes.
I didn't get any flowers or chocolat, but I got a nice dinner cooked by one of my roomies. Thank you David. I came home tired after a late class, and there were dinner served. Top Notch.

A hopeless romantic would probably describe me really well. I am. No matter how many times I've been hurt or whatever, I'm a big romantic. I guess some can handle it, some can't. I think I always will be the sweetheart. :)

What people don't know though is that I am not the best girl in the world. There was a time when I could be a bitch. But then I realized, why waste my energy to be a bitch? It's just frustrating.

So today is Valentines Day. I don't have a Valentine, but I am god damn happy anyway. I have friends and family that loves me, and they deserve my love. Next year I might not have a Valentine either, but who cares when I have my friends and family.


Postat av: Annie


2011-02-15 @ 11:49:57
URL: http://myspoonandi.blogspot.com
Postat av: Sofia Arnehed

Vad trevlig dina poster är. kommer verkligen att läsa dina poster igen! (: Hoppas du har en spännande vardag =)

2011-02-21 @ 22:02:33
URL: http://jade.se/reseguide
Postat av: Anna

Tack så mkt!!

2011-02-22 @ 07:27:54
URL: http://annichi.blogg.se/

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