Up up and away

Finally Spring Break has arrived and I am going to Hawaii. I can't wait to go away and charge my batteries after a hectic time. I see myself lay on the beach with my new, big amazing hat, sunglasses and just enjoy my time off.
Hawaii has been a dream since I was a kid. I think that's many peoples dream, especially when you're from Europe. Who hasn't heard the song "Blue Hawaii."
We already have plans for tomorrow when we land in Honolulu. Immediatele we get picked up by Ian's friend and then we're going to a place where we will SKYDIVE. I know I will be super nervous when I'm up in the air cause I am quite scared of heights...although, the adrenaline kick we will get afterwards is probably HUGE and then we will be ready for the rest of the days there.
Yours truly.

The sky is crying out loud

It's sunday and it's rainging crazy outside. Reminds me of Sweden. I don't actually mind that much except for the fact that the cities here are not made for heavy rain. Water puddles everywhere, and don't forget to watch out on the sidewalks or you might get an unwanted shower of dirty water.
Yesterday was a fun and unforgettable day. I helped my dear friend Andy film his movie Greasy Lake. After 7 hours in heavy rain, covered in black trash bags, it made it to a surreal filming. But it was a bittersweet feeling, cause despite the heavy rain and wind, I kind of saw the fine art in it. I must say that I really like film, and getting more and more into it, though I like to analyze movies more, but it's fun and I guess it's a good thing to know in the future, altjough it's in reporting/writing/broadcast media I belong. But who knows where I end up!
The best part was to get home and jum in the shower.
Six days left till the plane lifts to Hawaii and Honolulu! I definitely need the break, and I can't wait to get to some better weather, crystal clear water, surf, and other fun things. I'm gonna have a prep week for Hawaii with brazilian wax, pedicure, and leg wax because of the fact that I probably will walk aroung in a bikini more than 50% of the stay there. Can't wait for it!!
Covered in trash bags after the shoot. Everyone was amazing! <3

Life is precious

First of all I'd like to share my thoughts for the people in Japan. I can't imagine how things are there right now, and I send some extra thoughts to all my friends I have in Japan and their families.

It's 10 days left till I fly to Hawaii and Oahu together with Michaela, Andy and Ian. I'm so excited. When I look at pictures from there it reminds me of the time I lived in Australia. Sometimes I really miss that place despite that I love Caifornia. My natural element in life is probably water. I believe I'd be a dolphine if I wasn't a human. I absolutely LOVE the ocean. The moment when I dive into the water is amazing, and snorkeling around on the reef in Hawaii will make me happy. I can't imagine myself living far away from the ocean. I'm a beach lover.
I'm excited for what is going to come up this year and this summer. I feel that I'm as ready as I can be to move on and down to LA. I'm ready for it. Santa Barbara is a beautiful city in all its aspect, but unfortunately a city with too few opportunities. I talked to a friend about it, and what she said inspired me more to embrace LA. "You're an LA girl. I can definitely see you live in the Hollywood area." That inspires.
We all look for someone to share our ups and downs in our life. Who doesn't? Who doesn't want to have someone to tell about your day, or to share sad moments with. Someone to comfort you and give you pure love. I am one of those. Like my friends say, "Anna, you're a hopeless romantic." And yes I am. Although you can't really chase this happiness. It has to come by itself. I am very happy as a person right now, and I love my life. When the time is right there will be someone for me, and for everyone!
My mum usually asks me if I'm seeing anyone. She's in Sweden so I guess it's natural for her to ask her soon 25 years old daughter that question. But I know she's aware of that I'm a person who likes to have fun in life as well. The typical "SVensson" life doesn't fit me quite yet, and perhaps it never will.
I am ready for new adventures in my life. LA, I'm coming soon.

My poor stomach

When my alarm rings at 7a.m I'm not a human. I'm a zombie. Snooze, snooze and one more snooze. There you go. Now 30 minutes later I'm ready to leave the bed, although I'm not sure if I'm a human yet. But after splashing some water in my face I feel ready to embrace the day. But wait, shit! I forgot to eat breakfast! My poor stomach will suffer for at least 3 hours before I can get anything food like in it. It cries, and I walk over to work.
I am a breakfast person and I need food!
Ok, 2 more hours.


I'm gonna do anything it takes, and work hard to get me where I want to be. Today I realized what I burn for and what I want to work with. People that know me well probably can figure it out, but one of my biggest interest in life is MUSIC. I can't see myself without music involved in my life.
My dream is to work with music related media. The dream would be to be a TV reporter for a music channel...or as a Public Relations person for an artist/band. Anything. But music is all I want to work with.
I hope that one day I will be in that position. Live for music. It's almost tears coming from my eyes right now, cause I am happy that I have figured out what I want to do for real.
Music is my passion in life...


I've recently begun thinking about writing a book with memoars. There are many things in life I want to share with people for them to recognize themselves in, but also to get an insight in what I have experienced so far in life. And to be quite honest, I have experienced a lot for only being in my mid twenties.
I had a long and very intellectual discussion with my friend Michaela about love, life and future. Things and prospectives change when you get older. That's a fact. We see things in a different way today than 5 years ago. I believe when you now meet someone you like, I believe you'd like to be able to have a future perspective with that person. Not a 5 years perspective, but at least a 1 year perspective. Now it's more about sharing things in life, have common interests, be able to have conversations about relevant events, have fun, and most of all, be loved.
I am a girl that can be very naive and I always think the best about people I don't even know. I can judge very fast to the better. It hits me back. Although, I still try to be open and friendly to most new people I meet because I don't see a reason why not. However I know that I need to change that a little, cause there are people that take advantage of that. Believe me.
But in the end I am who I am and what I am. Nothing can change that.

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