The sky is crying out loud

It's sunday and it's rainging crazy outside. Reminds me of Sweden. I don't actually mind that much except for the fact that the cities here are not made for heavy rain. Water puddles everywhere, and don't forget to watch out on the sidewalks or you might get an unwanted shower of dirty water.
Yesterday was a fun and unforgettable day. I helped my dear friend Andy film his movie Greasy Lake. After 7 hours in heavy rain, covered in black trash bags, it made it to a surreal filming. But it was a bittersweet feeling, cause despite the heavy rain and wind, I kind of saw the fine art in it. I must say that I really like film, and getting more and more into it, though I like to analyze movies more, but it's fun and I guess it's a good thing to know in the future, altjough it's in reporting/writing/broadcast media I belong. But who knows where I end up!
The best part was to get home and jum in the shower.
Six days left till the plane lifts to Hawaii and Honolulu! I definitely need the break, and I can't wait to get to some better weather, crystal clear water, surf, and other fun things. I'm gonna have a prep week for Hawaii with brazilian wax, pedicure, and leg wax because of the fact that I probably will walk aroung in a bikini more than 50% of the stay there. Can't wait for it!!
Covered in trash bags after the shoot. Everyone was amazing! <3


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